Since the adoption of the ELS, Council has sought to investigate and implement mechanisms that enhance liveability across the region and attain national and international recognition of our natural assets and environmental initiatives.

Consideration of a Dark Sky Place on the Sunshine Coast has been discussed by Council as another potential mechanism to further provide for the long-term protection and management of the region’s natural assets and transition the Sunshine Coast to a more sustainable, resilient and low carbon way of living.

Dark skies can provide many benefits to the community and our natural environment including health and wellbeing, emissions reduction and wildlife friendly habitat outcomes.

Proposed Change

It is proposed a refreshed strategy will incorporate a new policy position in the “Landscape and Character” theme under Policy position 1.1 that:

1.1 The distinctive and diverse landscape is preserved to maintain the beauty of the area:

a. The landscape is retained and continues to underpin the character of the Sunshine Coast

b. The urban form is contained within the defined urban footprint

c. The natural landscape remains intact, undiminished and protected from development that is incompatible with its values

d. Prominent natural landscape features are protected and celebrated

e. Dark skies are recognised, protected and celebrated.