Glenfields Neighbourhood Park Landscape Plan
Community members were invited to provide feedback on the draft Landscape Plan for Glenfields Neighbourhood Park, Mountain Creek.
Community members were invited to provide feedback on the draft Landscape Plan for Glenfields Neighbourhood Park, Mountain Creek.
Council invited community feedback on the draft pump track concept design in Buderim.
We sought feedback from the community regarding the festive season experience on the Sunshine Coast to ensure it meets the region's needs.
The community was invited to provide feedback on the draft concept plan for the pump track at Lions and Norrie Job Park in Coolum.
Community members were invited to provide feedback on the draft landscape plan for Khancoban Drive Park in Buderim.
Residents were invited to help shape the development of a new active transport corridor to link the communities of Caloundra, Moffat Beach, Dicky Beach and Currimundi.
Residents were invited to help shape the development of a new active transport corridor to link the communities of Mooloolaba, Mountain Creek, Buderim and Sippy Downs.
The community was invited to provide feedback on a set of coastal management plans that are currently being drafted.
Residents with lived experience of disability, were asked to share their photos and short stories of accessible and inclusive places from across our region.
Council is developing a Shorebird Conservation Plan 2025-2030 and invited community input to help shape the plan.
Council invited community members to provide feedback on the proposed Temporary Local Planning Instrument for Birtinya Town Centre.
The community were invited to provide feedback on Council's first DDA compliant pontoon at Charles Clarke Park.
Young people aged 16-24 years were invited to register their interest for the Sunshine Coast Young Leaders Academy.
Council invited community feedback on the proposed Temporary Local Planning Instrument (Accommodation Hotel Incentive Measures).
The community were invited to provide input to inform the proposed development of a Dog Exercise Area in Glenfields, Mountain Creek.
We invited our community to provide input on the Pelican Waters Dog Exercise Area.
The community was invited to view the draft Landscape Plan and provide feedback on proposed improvements to John Hotton Park, Warana.
The community were invited to tell their story of Mount Ninderry and provide feedback on the draft Landscape Plan.
Sunshine Coast Council is preparing a Landscape Concept Plan for Maleny District Park. We sought community input to help shape the plan.
Local community members were invited to provide input into a new playground structure at Dick Caplick Park, Eumundi.
Council invited feedback from the community to help shape the Sunshine Coast’s new Active Transport Plan.
Council invited feedback from the community on a proposal to establish a dark sky reserve in the Sunshine Coast hinterland.
Council invited feedback on the draft refreshed Community Strategy.
Council invited feedback from the community to help evaluate the Sunshine Coast e-bike and e-scooter trial.
Council opened an expression of interest process for two community reference groups for Mooloolaba as the revitalisation of the foreshore reaches a vital stage.
The community were invited to share input on the refurbishment of the Maleny Skate and BMX facility.
Council invited the community to provide feedback on the proposed concept design for the Kulangoor Cemetery Masterplan 2023.
People with lived experience of disability were invited to share and image and short story about an accessible and/or inclusive place on the Sunshine Coast.
The community were invited to provide feedback on the proposed options for Ballinger Road and Stringybark Road Active Transport Link
Council invited the community to provide input into the Yandina Dog Exercise Area.
The community were invited to provide input into the investigation for a Dog Exercise Area (DEA) in Khancoban Park, Buderim.
Council invited the community to have their say on the future plan for Jessica Park.
Council invited the community to provide feedback on a landscape concept ideas plan.
Council invited the community to provide feedback on a proposed amendment to the Maroochydore City Centre Priority Development Area (PDA) Development Scheme (No. 3).
The community were invited to contribute to the review of the Sunshine Coast Community Strategy and supporting Action Plan.
Council invited the community to help shape the future of the next stage of the Mooloolaba Foreshore Revitalisation project - Central Meeting Place.
The community were invited to have their say and help shape the future of Point Cartwright Reserve and La Balsa Park.
Blue Heart Neighbourhood: learn, share and connect with fellow Blue Heart residents and landholders and project partner, Sunshine Coast Council.
The community were invited to provide input into the extension of the existing fenced dog off-leash area at Chancellor Village Park, Sippy Downs.
Council, in collaboration with the Maleny community are planning to improve Maple Street Maleny through streetscaping improvements.
The community were invited to submit ideas for a new mural being painted on a park seat in Bokarina.
Council invited feedback on proposed amendments to the Local Laws regarding animal management for dog access areas at Point Cartwright.
Have your say on the future of Sunjewel Park Playground.
The community were invited to provide feedback for improvements of North Arm Park.
Council invited the community to share ideas on how to improve the effectiveness of signage so visitors can better understand the risks at this location.
Park and streetscape Future Funding Plan
Create Caloundra asked, what do you want to see and experience in your Community + Creative Hub?
Council invited the community to have their say to guide the development of a new play space in Buderim Pines West.
Council is working with the community to help shape the future streetscape improvements for Rosebed Street, Eudlo as part of its Streetscape Capital Works Program.
Planning is underway for streetscape improvements in Eumundi and Council called on the community to have their say.
Council invited the community to provide feedback on the proposed upgrade to Sugar Road and Maud Street.
Council asked the community to provide feedback to inform the development of a Landscape Concept Plan for Peachester Park.
We are collaborating with Griffith University to improve the effectiveness of our flying fox education and communication.
The community were invited to provide feedback on the proposal to construct a basketball half-court at Lions and Norrie Job Park at Coolum.
Council invited the community to provide feedback to inform a review and refresh of the Environment and Liveability Strategy.
The Caloundra RSL Sub-Branch and Council invited the community to have their say on the proposed location for two bronze statues at Kings Beach.
Council invited the community to have their say on the Sunshine Coast Waste Strategy 2023.
Council called on the community to help design the new Central Meeting Place and Cove Kiosk.
The community were invited to have their say on the Draft Inclusion Action Plan for People with Disability.
Council sought community feedback on relocating the basketball facilities from the existing multi-sports court.
Feedback was sought on possible future Citizen Science projects for the Sunshine Coast.
Council engaged with the community to inform the preparation of the Honey Farm Road Sport and Recreation Precinct Master Plan.
The community were invited to provide their feedback on the draft Landscape Plan for Con and Olive Daetz Park, Nambour
Council invited the community to provide feedback on potential options for a dog off-leash area in the Mapleton area.
Council invited the community to provide feedback on the new Draft Sunshine Coast Recreation Parks Plan.
Council is inviting the community to share their active travel experiences on pathways and roads in Division 3
The community were invited to have their say on the streetscape improvements in Nambour’s town centre.
Have your say on the proposed improvements to the Alex Bluff Foreshore Park.
Council invited the community to provide feedback on the installation of a proposed playground at Albany Lakes Park.
Council invited community feedback on the proposed public amenities facility at Glenfields Neighbourhood Park.
Planning is underway for streetscape improvements in Woombye and Council is calling on the community to provide ideas and feedback for its delivery.
We would love to know why you use this area
The community were invited to provide their feedback on the draft Landscape Plan for Lions Park and Norrie Job Park, Coolum
The community commented on a vision for what the Sunshine Coast could look like in 2041, and proposed regional and local planning directions for the new Planning Scheme
Sunshine Coast Council asked for your ideas and input to inform a master plan for a 65 hectare ecological park adjacent to the Mary Cairncross Scenic Reserve in Maleny.
The community were invited to have their say on a plan to help kangaroos, wallabies and pademelons thrive on the Sunshine Coast.
Our vision is for marine turtles to survive and thrive on the Sunshine Coast, co-existing in harmony with people. Have your say on our plan to get there.
Council asked the community to provide feedback on proposed amendments to the Local Laws.
Council invited submissions on a proposed amendment to the Sunshine Coast Planning Scheme 2014 referred to as the Site Specific and Editorial Matters.
Council invited Expressions of Interest for the Sunshine Coast Biosphere Community Reference Group.
Community members were invited to have their say on the Maroochydore Beach Nearshore Nourishment Trial that aims to protect the area from the effects of severe weather.
Traditional volunteering is declining on the Sunshine Coast, through this survey we sought to understand the reasons and as a community, how we can re-think volunteering.
This project will assist council, community, business groups and local residents to better understand the perceptions of safety for Nambour.
The community were invited to provide input on the vision and values for Glass House Mountains Village that will inform future place design activities.
Council invited comment on a proposed amendment to the Sunshine Coast Planning Scheme’s Local Government Infrastructure Plan. Submissions closed 1 November 2022.
Sunshine Coast Council invited people who live, work or play in the Kenilworth district to join the conversation about the future of their library service.
Council sought community feedback to better understand the preferences of people walking, cycling, driving, and living along Karawatha Drive, Mountain Creek
Sunshine Coast Council asked residents to complete a survey to share what they know about biosecurity on the Sunshine Coast.
We hope to uncover what our community knows about flying-foxes so we can improve our future education efforts.
The Sunshine Coast community are being called to stand together to Shine a Light on Racism and take personal responsibility to #DoTheWork to become anti-racist.
We hope to better understand the reasons people visit the North Shore area, so we can balance the needs of our community and preserve the natural environment.
We invited the community to join the conversation and share their ideas, and vision for the future of Aura.
The community were invited to share their thoughts on the sensor light trial at Buddina and Mudjimba.
Council invited the community to share their current and future needs to inform the future development a local community facility in Pelican Waters.
Council invited feedback from the region's network of community venues to understand usage, accessibility and community needs.
Sunshine Coast Youth Council undertook engagement with local young people (12-24 years) living on the Sunshine Coast.
The community were invited to have their say on the Wurtulla Beach Access Upgrade.
Sunshine Coast residents were asked to celebrate Neighbour Day by nominating a neighbour who they think deserves to win a $100 Bunnings Voucher.
Council invited nominations to join the Community Strategy Leadership Group to lead and guide the delivery of the Sunshine Coast Community Strategy.
The community were invited to provide feedback to guide the selection of new playground equipment for Kenilworth Town Park.
Have your say on options to replace the Mountain Creek Lake Viewing Platform.
Council sought expressions of interest to establish a Community Reference Group.
Council invited community feedback on a naming proposal to name a Reserve on Sugar Bag Road.
Council invited community feedback on the current and future needs for the provision of a community facility at Peregian Springs.
Council invited the community to provide feedback on a proposal to replace the Majola Pontoon at Caloundra.
The community were invited to provide feedback on the issues, proposed outcomes and actions identified through the Shelly Beach to Moffat Beach Coastal Study.
The community were invited to provide feedback on reasons for visiting Mooloolaba and how the area could be enhanced to attract more visitors.
Council invited community feedback on a naming proposal for the amphitheatre in Buderim Village Park.
Council invited the community to provide feedback to assist in the development of the Domestic Animal Management Action Plan.
Council invited the community to provide feedback to inform the finalisation of the draft Stormwater Management Strategy.
Council invited the community to provide their feedback on the future of waste and resource recovery on the Sunshine Coast.
Council provided the community with the opportunity to have your say on our service delivery and outlook for the region to guide council’s decision making.
Council invited the community to provide feedback on the Meridan Downs Park Disc Golf Course Proposal.
Council invited primary school students to help educate our local communities on how to best prepare and plan for disasters and have the chance to win great prizes.
Council invited the community to comment on the proposal for a public pontoon at Brightwater.
The Community Strategy provides a long-term framework for how council and our community will work together to advance our shared goal of a strong community to 2041.
Council invited the community to provide feedback to inform the Sunshine Coast Mass Transit Options Analysis Report.
This project ran 2019-2020 to help the development of a Coastal Hazard Adaptation Strategy. We explored your thoughts and sought feedback on the strategy’s options.
Council invited community feedback on a naming proposal for Albert Atkinson Park.
Council invited the community to provide feedback on a naming proposal for Howard Walker Park.
Council invited the community to have their say on a proposed amendment to the Sunshine Coast Planning Scheme 2014 relating to Caloundra Centre Master Plan.
Council invited the community to provide feedback on proposed amendments to the Sunshine Coast Planning Scheme 2014 relating to special entertainment precincts.
Council invited feedback on the proposed amendment to the Planning Scheme Policy for Development Works.
Council invited the community to provide their feedback on a proposed amendment to the Sunshine Coast Planning Scheme 2014 relating to Historic Cultural Heritage.
Council invited the community to provide feedback on proposed amendments to the Maroochydore City Centre Priority Development Area (PDA) Development Scheme.
Council invited the community to provide feedback on the proposed amendments to the Sunshine Coast Planning Scheme 2014 relating to Site Specific and Operational Matters.
Council invited comment on proposed amendments to the Sunshine Coast Planning Scheme 2014, relating to Additional SEQ Regional Plan Sites & Other Zoning Matters.
Proposed amendments to the Sunshine Coast Planning Scheme 2014 - Kawana Waters Town Centre and Site Specific (Incl. SEQRP Bring Forward Sites) and Operational Matters.
Help us shape the future of dog exercise areas across our region.
Council invited the community to provide feedback on the draft Landsborough Placemaking Master Plan.
Residents are invited to have their say on improvements to Wilkins Park, Pacific Paradise.