Project Overview

Project Overview

Council has identified Khancoban Drive Park for an upgrade from a local level park to a district level park. For more information on the Sunshine Coast's open space areas, park types and hierarchy please visit Council’s website.

Community Engagement

Community members were invited to complete a short online survey between Tuesday, 7 May and Tuesday, 4 June 2024 at 5pm.

Responses to the survey will help council to understand:

  • When and how you currently use Khancoban Drive Park
  • What you love about the park
  • What you would like to see included in the upgraded park; and
  • Where within the park you would like to see the improvements included.

Thank you to all community members who had their say, council’s project team are now evaluating the feedback.


Khancoban Drive Park is a beautiful park located north of Karawatha Drive, between Khancoban Drive and Jingellic Drive. It offers expansive green spaces and abundant potential. Previously, the community was consulted regarding the preferred location for a dog off-leash area, and the area identified in the plan was the preferred choice by the community. This designated area will expand the functionality of Khancoban Park and will enable the community to exercise their dogs in a green park setting.

As a district-level park, Khancoban will play a pivotal role in the Buderim and Mountain Creek area, providing space for our community to socialise and enjoy outdoor activities together. Parks like this can also have economic benefits for the town, providing space for activities such as markets and offering a place for travellers to rest and relax outdoors.

Plan 1 – Khancoban Drive Park Location

Plan 1 – Khancoban Drive Park Location

Next Steps

The community engagement findings will help Council to prepare a draft landscape plan for Khancoban Drive Park that reflects community needs. The draft landscape plan will be shared with community for further feedback in October/November 2024.


  • Timeline item 1 - complete

    Stage 1 : Values and vision 7 May - 4 June 2024

    Community engagement to understand the key values and future vision for the park.

  • Timeline item 2 - active

    ​Stage 2: Development of the concept landscape plan June - September 2024

    Based on community and stakeholder feedback the draft plan will be developed.

  • Timeline item 3 - incomplete

    Stage 3: Have we got it right? October – November 2024

    Second stage of engagement where the community can view the draft concept landscape plan and provide further feedback.

  • Timeline item 4 - incomplete

    Stage 4: presenting the plan February 2025

    The final landscape plan will be made available to the community on Have your Say Sunshine Coast and on Council’s website.

Contact us

To contact Council’s project team please email:

or phone Council’s customer service on (07) 5475 7272
