We're replacing the Maloja pontoon with a new jetty to better cope with the waves and currents in the Pumicestone Passage.
Community engagement
To inform the final plan, we asked our community how they use the existing pontoon to help us ensure the new jetty best suits our community’s needs.
Please see below for artist impressions of the new jetty during the community engagement.
Survey closed Tuesday 30 November 2021.
Where to from here
Thank-you to those who took the time to provide feedback. Our project team have considered the feedback and resolved to install a new concrete pontoon, which will essentially be like for like, however it have improvements for better accessibility at the majority of tides (see image below). Work is scheduled to begin in October 2023 and will take 2-3 weeks, weather dependent.
New Maloja pontoon
After a lot of consideration and subsequent discussion with industry experts, Council’s coastal engineers came to the conclusion that replacing the pontoon with a Jetty represented the best outcome for the community with respect to cost, accessibility, usage, tides, changes in channel dynamics and sea level rise. Council wanted a robust design which the current pontoon technologies couldn’t offer within the budget constraints.
The adjacent land will remain the same mixed usage, coast guard, carpark, boatramp, openspace and coastal path.
Council plans to incorporate a ramp up to the Jetty similar to what is currently in place. Parking improvements can be reviewed by Council’s TIM branch however given the mixed usage including cars with boat trailers it’s unlikely sufficient turning circles could be achieved if additional carparking was installed.
more information, please email the Coastal Constructed Water and Planning team at CoastalandCanals@sunshinecoast.qld.gov.au

Proposed new Maloja jetty