The draft Landscape Plan
The draft Landscape Plan sets the direction for future walking trails and infrastructure that will expand opportunities for nature-based recreation, education and cultural tourism on Mount Ninderry.
The consultation period was 17 June to 31 July 2024.
Mount Ninderry Environment Reserve, on the native title determined lands of the Kabi Kabi peoples, is significant culturally and ecologically. Council has prepared a draft Landscape Plan in partnership with the Kabi Kabi First Nations People and through targeted workshops with Council employees, Councillors, reserve neighbours, key stakeholders and community groups.
The draft Landscape Plan acknowledges Mount Ninderry is becoming increasingly popular with currently only one trail option and aims to:
The draft Landscape Plan sets the direction for future walking trails and infrastructure that will expand opportunities for nature-based recreation, education and cultural tourism on Mount Ninderry.
In this video, Kabi Kabi man Kerry Jones shares why Mount Ninderry is very important to the Kabi Kabi people.
View a sumarry of proposed features of the Mount Ninderry Environment Reserve Draft Landscape Plan.
New trails
Proposed new walking trails designed to showcase Mount Ninderry’s diverse landscapes, from boardwalks over rocky terrain to breathtaking views.
Mount Ninderry Visitor Hub
A new cultural and education node area sharing the Kabi Kabi story of Mount Ninderry, environmental facts, trail information, and artwork.
Eastern Lookout viewing platform
A proposed viewing platform provides sweeping views of Noosa, Mt Coolum, and the coastline.
Kabi Kabi and Landcare workshop shed
A new workshop shed as a base for Kabi Kabi training and Landcare volunteers. This shed will provide room for tools, workshops, and training activities, supporting community efforts to care for the land.
Between Monday, 17 June and Monday, 31 July 2024, community members were invited to view the Mount Ninderry Environment Reserve Draft Landscape Plan and provide feedback.
Thank you to all community members who had their say.
Feedback could be provided by:
Feedback was received through stories of place, what people enjoy about Mount Ninderry Environment Reserve and how the proposed features of the draft Landscape Plan will improve people's experience of Mount Ninderry.
People were invited to drop-in and speak to a member of the project team at a 'Talking Post' and have your say about the draft landscape plan. Talking Posts were held on:
Talking Post
Main Car Park, Mount Ninderry Environment Reserve
Talking Post
Main Car Park, Mount Ninderry Environment Reserve
Mount Ninderry Environment Reserve, within the lands of the Kabi Kabi People, is currently managed by Sunshine Coast Council comprising 199 hectares, which includes 60 hectares that were recently added through Council’s Environment Levy land acquisition program. The reserve protects eight different regional ecosystems, including a large area of ‘endangered’ subtropical lowland rainforest and four ‘of concern’ regional ecosystems. The high biodiversity and cultural importance of the reserve has been recognised by the community throughout several engagement workshops for the preparation of the draft landscape plan.
Results of Council stakeholder; community stakeholder and Kabi Kabi engagement activities have shown that Mount Ninderry is a significant site for many people and recognised within the lands of the Kabi Kabi First Nations people. It is apparent the site contains existing and future opportunities for eco-recreational, cultural, ecological and cultural training and educational use of the open space areas and tracks. Due to these opportunities and the iconic significance of the site, Council has prepared a draft landscape plan in partnership with the Kabi Kabi First Nations People.
From the stakeholder engagement the following key values were identified:
Timeline item 1 - complete
2020 - 2021: Phase 1 – gathering information
Three stakeholder groups worked to identify the sites values, constraints and opportunities:
Group 1: Kabi Kabi First Nations People
Group 2: Sunshine Coast Council Councillors and staff
Group 3: Community Stakeholder Group: State Member for Ninderry; YADCA; Bushcare; Nambour multicultural community; CaNSCC; SEQ Healthy land and Water; SCEC; UniSC; Neighbours; Local Businesses; Maroochy Landcare; QPWS.
Timeline item 2 - complete
2022 -2023: Phase 2 - Drafting the landscape plan
This stage took into feedback from the stakeholder groups, site surveys, geotech reports, cultural values report and the Kabi Kabi Engagement Outcomes Report
It identified future public access opportunities – trails, entry points and features.
The stakeholder groups provided feedback though this process.
Timeline item 3 - complete
June/July 2024: Phase 3 – Community feedback on the draft landscape plan
Have your say on the draft landscape plan between 17 June and 31 July 2024.
Timeline item 4 - active
2024: Phase 4 – review community feedback
Feedback from phase 3 will be categorised into themes and shared with the community.
Timeline item 5 - incomplete
2024-25: Phase 5 - further investigations and engagement
This phase will focus on exploring solutions to the key themes raised by the community in phase 3.
It will include technical investigations and studies and additional stakeholder engagement.
This will help to amend the draft plan and create the final landscape plan.
Timeline item 6 - incomplete
2025: Phase 6 – final plan adopted
Exact timing is still to be confirmed.
Timeline item 7 - incomplete
2025 onward: Phase 7 – long term implementation phase and bid for funding
As Council is in the early planning stages, there may not be any development for a number of years and any development is likely to be small scale.
Have questions or want to learn more about a project, contact us below:
Name | Natural Areas Conservation Officer, Engagement, Planning and Wildlife |
---|---| |
Council will review and evaluate all feedback received. A summary of the engagement findings will be shared once available.
The engagement findings will inform the next phase of this project which will involve technical investigations and additional stakeholder engagement.
If you would like to remain updated on this project, please follow the project (Select +Follow at the top of the page).
Between Monday, 17 June and Monday, 31 July 2024, community members were invited to view the Mount Ninderry Environment Reserve Draft Landscape Plan and provide feedback. Feedback was received through stories of place, what people enjoy about Mount Ninderry, what people value, and how the proposed features of the landscape plan will improve people's experience of Mount Ninderry.