Sunshine Coast Council is committed to delivering safe and accessible active transport options throughout the Sunshine Coast for all members of the community.
Consultation is now closed
Thank you to everyone that shared their active travel experiences in the MoveSafe Division 3 Pilot Project. Community feedback is vitally important in our planning process so thank you for participating. Please see the Finalisation Fact Sheet in the document library below.
Pedestrians and cyclists are the most vulnerable road users, and personal safety can be a barrier to active travel for some people.
This project addresses the actions from Council’s soon to be released Road Safety Action Plan 2023-2027. The Plan highlights the need to improve safety and conditions for cyclist and pedestrians by:
- identifying high risk locations and missing links to improve safety, and
- developing a priority list for active travel enabling facilities for potential inclusion in the Ten-Year Capital Works Program.
By understanding the challenges experienced by people using our pathways and roads for active travel, we can target and prioritise areas of concern to improve safety and increase participation in walking and cycling.
Your ideas and feedback can help improve the safety of people walking and cycling in Division 3. We will assess the information we receive and develop a priority list of new active travel infrastructure for consideration in the Ten-Year Capital Works Program. If it is a maintenance issue we will refer it directly to our maintenance team for consideration in their schedule. Feedback will also assist in the development and implementation of community travel behaviour change initiatives.
The Ten-Year Capital Works Program is a long-term planning tool aiming to deliver infrastructure to meet the ever-changing needs of our growing Sunshine Coast community. It prioritises and outlines the infrastructure programs and projects planned for delivery by Council over the next ten years.
The general maintenance program ensures that all our assets are looked after and kept in good condition for all to enjoy. This includes roads, pathways, parks, playgrounds, fences, trees, buildings, anything that Council owns or maintains.
Travel Behaviour Change initiatives are programs developed in partnership with the community to encourage active travel, such as working with schools to encourage walking and cycling to school, or workplaces to provide incentives for walking, cycling or carpooling to work.
This is a pilot project, and if successful Council will investigate the possibility of rolling out the concept to other areas in our region.
In April and May 2023, council invited feedback from the Division 3 community (those who work, live and play in Aroona, Bokarina, Birtinya, Currimundi, Little Mountain, Meridan Plains, Warana and Wurtulla) to better understand the issues faced by people walking and riding on pathways and roads.
The community engagement program included:
- Two Pop Up Stalls
- A online map that allowed community to drop markers and provide comments (see below)
Tips for using the map
- Desktop users - Zoom in and out using the top right navigation or using the scrolling wheel on your mouse. Toggle between regular and full screen mode using the toolbar top right icon.
- Mobile users - Use two fingers to zoom in and out of the map.
- To make a submission you can either drop a marker or enter the address in the search bar.
- You can include an image with your comments.
- Please give as much information as possible in your comment so we understand the issue.
- There are two maps available to view: Standard street and High Contrast. You can toggle between the two views by clicking on Basemap (the map symbol) in the left-hand-side of the map.
Examples of the feedback we are looking for

If you have an issue that requires immediate attention or further discussion with a Council officer, you can request a call back by pressing the below button.