Project overview
Council has developed a landscape concept plan for North Arm Park that will be used to guide the development of improvements for the park
The project team have now reviewed and responded to the community vision for the park in Phase 1 ‘Have your say’ and feedback provided in Phase 3 ‘Have we got it right?’. The information has helped the project team ensure the landscape concept plan creates a park aligned with the community’s vision.
The purpose of this update is to present the community with the finalised landscape concept plan. We are now progressing with detailed design and construction documentation of stage 1 of the upgrades.
Prior to construction of the stage 1 playground upgrade a further project update will be provided. This will ensure the community is informed and to minimise impacts during the construction period.
Thank you to all who have provided input through surveys, conversations, letters and emails.
Community engagement
In April 2022, Council engaged with the North Arm community to understand what you love about North Arm Park and what can be improved. Using the feedback collated on the online survey, Council developed the draft landscape concept plan for the park.
The key outcomes the community wanted to see in the park were:
In October 2022 phase 3 of the project, ‘Have we got it right?’ was undertaken. This phase included a more focused approach to the community engagement, focusing in on community members that indicated an interest in the parks development in the first phase of the project.
The feedback provided was overwhelming positive with only minor changes to the plan requested by the community.
The key changes the community wanted to see in the draft plan were:
View the latest Landscape Concept Plan Report
Where to from here
Stage 1
The first stage of the park upgrades will be an upgrade to the play space in the park.
As part of phase one of community consultation, Council asked the community what they would like to see in the updated play space. The community told us they love the zip line, flying bicycle carousel and open lawn area would like to see those elements retained.
The community also told us they would like to see the playground themed with a new playground tower to complement the existing play equipment in the park. Council has taken on board the feedback and developed a concept plan for the play space.
View the Stage 1 Playground Upgrade Concept Plan
Construction of the new play space is scheduled to take place next financial year 2023/2024.
Council will keep the community updated as the project progresses.
To contact Council’s project team please email or call
(07) 54757272.
Please review the concept design below before answering the following questions

View the full draft North Arm Park Landscape Concept Plan Report here
Play Elements
Park Upgrade - Stage 1
What elements would you like to fund?
The renewal includes the following list of play equipment (refer to below photos)
- Slide
- Springer
- Swings
- Seesaw
- Spinning disk
- Spinning bike
The flying fox will be retained.