The photo competition is now closed

Entries closed on Monday, 10 June 2024.


Council invited local community members to enter the photo competition and share a photo that represents our shared goal of a strong Sunshine Coast community. Photos needed to capture our residents and reflect and depict:

A Strong Community

A strong community is connected, everyone is included and treated with respect, and opportunities are available for all.
  • Photo submissions were required to reflect an outcome area of the draft refreshed Community Strategy:
    • Healthy, active communities (Information, services and programs support physical and mental health and wellbeing)
    • Vibrant communities (Community places and spaces, transport and housing provide the fundamental building blocks for a vibrant community)
    • Inclusive communities (Opportunities are available for everyone to participate and be involved)
    • Connected, resilient communities (Communities are connected, resilient and safe where people work collaboratively to achieve shared goals)
    • Creative, innovative communities (Creativity, heritage and First Nations culture is a source of connection, learning and pride).

Competition Winners

A judging panel is scheduled in June. Competition winners will be announced by Friday, 28 June 2024.