We are reviewing the Sunshine Coast Waste Strategy 2023 as part of our commitment to becoming Australia's most sustainable region.


The Sunshine Coast and its community aspires to be Australia’s most sustainable region.

With a ‘towards zero waste to landfill by 2041’ target, Council can support the transition from a linear economy waste management model to a circular economy performance based approach.

With this approach, waste can be treated and managed as a finite resource, giving the community and the region a greater opportunity to grow prosperity, jobs and resilience while cutting greenhouse gas emissions, waste, and pollution.


The strategy focuses on the provision of sustainable, well-planned infrastructure and services that consider the needs of our expanding community, rapidly evolving waste industry changes and protection of the unique Sunshine Coast environment, both now and in the future.

The Sunshine Coast Waste Strategy 2023 has been developed to align with Commonwealth, State and South East Queensland region policies and plans. Each local government is required under the Waste Reduction and Recycling Act 2011 to prepare, adopt and implement a plan for managing waste in its local government area, in a way that best achieve the objectives of the Act. The key alignments of the Waste Strategy support Council's direction and contributes towards Sunshine Coast Council’s vision to be Australia’s most sustainable region.

Be involved in creating a cleaner, greener and sustainable future

  • RSVP CLOSED - Community workshop

    Date: Monday 31 July 2023

    Location: Venue 114, Sportsmans Parade, Bokarina

    Time: 9.30am - 11am

    RSVP CLOSED - this event was an in person workshop that explored the themes and actions for the Sunshine Coast Waste Strategy 2023.

Next steps

Your feedback went into shaping the final Sunshine Coast Waste Strategy which has been renamed to be called the Sunshine Coast Resource Recovery Strategy. It was adopted by Council at the Ordinary Meeting of Council on November 16, 2023. It is available to view online at sunhinecoast.qld.gov.au.