Project Overview
Queensland councils can prepare a Temporary Local Planning Instrument (TLPI) to respond quickly to changing or emerging planning issues. A TLPI addresses a specific, often localised planning matter. It must be approved by the State Planning Minister before it can proceed.
Sunshine Coast Council is proposing a TLPI to amend the planning framework for Birtinya Town Centre. The TLPI focuses on delivering more residential development in the town centre in response to the housing crisis on the Sunshine Coast.
Birtinya Town Centre is the last remaining greenfield site in the area covered by the Development Control Plan for Kawana Waters (DCP) and has always been intended as a Major Regional Activity Centre with retailing, offices and high-density residential development as permitted by the Approved Master Plan No. 100. It is an ideal location to provide more residential density as it already has the infrastructure capacity to support additional development and does not directly adjoin any low-rise residential neighbourhoods.
Using a TLPI to make the changes to the DCP is considered appropriate given the urgent need to respond to the housing crisis and capitalise on the opportunities presented by the Kawana Sports Precinct in the lead up to and during the 2032 Games.
The process Council must follow when making a TLPI is set out in the Planning Act 2016 and the Minister’s Guidelines and Rules 2023.
Frequently Asked Questions
A TLPI is a statutory instrument created under the provisions of the Planning Act 2016. It temporarily suspends or overrides parts of an existing planning scheme to address a specific, often localised, issue for a period of up to two years.
- Does not amend or repeal a planning scheme.
- Does not create a superseded planning scheme and is not an adverse planning change. Therefore, a superseded planning scheme request cannot be made, and compensation cannot be claimed for premises affected by a TLPI.
- Once made, Council can incorporate a TLPI into its planning scheme (if required) through a planning scheme amendment or when making a new planning scheme.
- Can be repealed by Council.
- The operation of a TLPI cannot be extended beyond the period stated in the instrument. However, a TLPI can be replaced or remade.
Generally, Local Governments can progress with TLPI subject to meeting the provisions of the Planning Act 2016, obtaining the necessary resolutions from Council and obtaining approval from the State Planning Minister.
In this instance, Council is keen to hear our community’s views on the proposed changes to Development Control Plan 1 – Kawana Waters prior to Council making a decision.
Birtinya Town Centre is the last remaining greenfield site within the Kawana Waters master planned area. It is intended to be developed as a Major Regional Activity Centre comprising:
- a medium to high density transit-oriented precinct that provides diversity in housing choice
- a range of commercial and retail outcomes in an area that benefits from high levels of public and active transport infrastructure.
The master planning for the town centre has been evolving for more than 20 years and has been required to respond to changing market conditions and planning directions. The current approval has been in place since November 2017.
Given the more recent announcements regarding housing supply, housing affordability, population growth and that the Sunshine Coast will host some events associated with the Brisbane 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games, there is an opportunity to review the planning framework relating to Birtinya Town Centre. This will ensure the land use planning appropriately responds to current matters.
The key stakeholders include:
- Master Developer (Stockland)
- Sunshine Coast Council
- State Department of Resources
- State Department of Housing, Local Government, Planning and Public Works
- State Department of Transport and Main Roads
Community Engagement
Between 16 October and 12 November 2024, our community was invited to comment on the proposed TLPI via an online feedback form or at a community pop-up session. This engagement was one component of other targeted consultation that was conducted.
The consultation report is now available. Thank you to everyone who provided feedback.
Next Steps
After consultation with the community, Sunshine Coast Council decided to make a proposed Temporary Local Planning Instrument (TLPI) at Council’s 30 January Ordinary Meeting. Read more about Council’s decision at the Ordinary Meeting of 30 January.
The changes would affect the operation of the planning framework in relation to the Town Centre, North Birtinya and Eastbank under the Development Control Plan No. 1 - Kawana Waters (DCP-1).
The proposed TLPI focuses on delivering a higher number of residential dwellings in the town centre, including provision of diverse and affordable housing, in response to the housing crisis on the Sunshine Coast and to capitalise on the opportunities presented by the forthcoming investments into the Kawana Sports Precinct in the lead up to and during the Brisbane 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games.
Before it can take effect, the proposed TLPI must be approved by the State Planning Minister.
The proposed TLPI would:
- shift unutilised population quotas from the already fully developed DCP-1 precincts to the town centre, so that the total population allowed under DCP-1 remains unchanged
- allow the maximum building height across the town centre to be increased from 10 storeys to 15 storeys, with no less than 6 buildings on 6 sites having a height limit of 12 storeys
- provide for an improved town centre layout with a 60% increase in public open space
- require new residential developments to contribute to the supply of housing diversity and affordability
- provided the mechanisms and land use intent to allow for the future consideration of development of hotel accommodation at Eastbank – next to Sportsmans Parade
- allow for up to two key sites within North Birtinya to have their maximum building height increased from 8 storeys to 10 storeys, and
- allow for an alternative location and delivery mechanism for the future Birtinya Library/Learning Centre and Cultural Centre.
After considering community feedback, Council:
- amended the proposed TLPI to remove the 18 storey height allowance for 3 sites
- retained the 15 storey height limit and but introduced a requirement for no less than six buildings on six sites to be capped at 12 storeys
- included a statement within the purpose of the proposed TLPI regarding the motel at Eastbank; and
- amended historical terms in the DCP to refer to current terms being ‘Sunshine Coast Public Transport’.
If you have any questions or would like more information about proposed TLPI, please contact Council’s Urban Growth Projects by email at urbangrowthprojects@sunshinecoast.qld.gov.au.
Timeline item 1 - complete
16 October 2024
Community consultation begins
Timeline item 2 - complete
12 November 2024
Community consultation closes
Timeline item 3 - complete
December 2024
Review of submissions and Council consideration
Timeline item 4 - incomplete
To be confirmed
Consideration by Minister (timeframe outside of Council’s control)
Timeline item 5 - incomplete
To be confirmed
Adoption subject to Minister’s consideration
Document Library
Contact Us
Have questions or want to learn more about a project, contact us below:
Name | Council’s Urban Growth Projects Team |
Phone | (07) 5475 7272 |
urbangrowthprojects@sunshinecoast.qld.gov.au |