A vibrant new community and creative hub is visioned for the Sunshine Coast.
The Caloundra Community + Creative Hub seeks to create a public space precinct connecting The Events Centre, new Caloundra District Library, Caloundra Regional Gallery and town square through to Bulcock Beach.
The project area includes parks, public spaces and streetscapes within:
- Felicity Park
- Bill Venardos Park
- Omrah Avenue
- Otranto Avenue
- Minchinton Street
- Nutley Street
- Bulcock Street
Where to from here
Community engagement has now closed and feedback received has directly informed and shaped the design.
The Concept Design has now been finalised in response to your feedback and the detailed business case for the new Sunshine Coast Regional Gallery.

Birds eye view looking east – Bulcock Street

View looking north to Town Square from Bulcock Street

View looking north through Felicity Park towards Library + Caloundra

View looking north-west through Felicity Park towards Library + Caloundra
*Final design and project delivery is subject to the endorsement of Council, and funding allocation. Funding constraints may result in reduced scope for this project. Final building layout is subject to detailed design. Final outcomes are subject to detailed design and feasibility.
For more information please visit the project webpage on Council’s website.
Community engagement
In the first phase of engagement, Council invited the community to have their say on your values and vision for Create Caloundra - your place for arts, community and creativity from 9 November to 7 December 2020.
Locals shared their thoughts on how the community could activate their vision to Create Caloundra.
We shared what we heard in our project update.
Between 25 May and 22 June 2021 Council undertook phase 2 community engagement where we asked ‘Have we got it right?’ in translating their communities vales and vision into the concept design.
- Have we heard your values correctly and which values are the most important?
- Do you agree with it, or would you add more to the vision?
- Is the Draft Concept Design what you picture?
You told us how to make it your Community + Creative Hub and we shared what we heard in our second project update.
Both rounds of engagement gave the community an opportunity to provide feedback by completing an online survey or attending pop-up sessions in person.
Council has since collated and translated the feedback which has directly informed the development and completion of the concept design.
The precinct will be brought to life with the community and creative uses and events.
View the full length Create Caloundra – Have we got it right? video.