Project Overview

Due to ongoing community feedback, we revisited the two most-preferred site locations for a dog exercise area in Pelican Waters.

The community was invited to provide input into the investigation for a Dog Exercise Area (DEA) in either Judy Henzell Park or Scribbly Gum Park, Pelican Waters.

Thank you to those who provided feedback on the proposed Pelican Waters Dog Exercise Area between 23 August and 23 September 2024.

We are committed to providing high quality open space that supports active and healthy communities.

Community Engagement

Sunshine Coast Council invited feedback from our community to further gauge a preferred location for a fenced dog exercise area for the Pelican Waters community.

We received 242 responses from an even mix of residents across the locality. Thank you for your feedback.

Here is what you told us:

Overall, 81 per cent of respondents support a fenced dog exercise area for Pelican Waters. There was a mix of feedback, with both support and concerns for both locations suggested.

Our community values open lawn areas for their dog to run as the most important characteristic of a successful dog exercise area.

Shade and accessibility are also important features of a dog exercise area.

While the possibility of inadequate car parking was a common concern for nearby residents, most respondents felt that car parking was the least important aspect compared to other preferred characteristics for a successful dog exercise area.

From the overall survey results, Scribbly Gum Park was demonstrated to be more valued as a park for active recreation. It is well utilised by the respondents that live nearby.

Judy Henzell Park receives less visitation from its surrounding residents but is highly valued for its natural leafy character and quiet atmosphere.

For the residents that responded to the survey, both parks are primarily used for walking their dogs on lead, additionally the Scribbly Gum Park playground rates as popular.

Additional feedback on a dog exercise area for Pelican Waters that related to both parks:

  • Some respondents were concerned about the impact of insufficient car parking, while others conveyed that they would most likely walk to the facility.
  • The importance of protecting trees, especially in Judy Henzell Park, was a common concern. Both Council and our community place a high value on our urban forest. We would ensure that existing trees are retained and adequately protected from impact.
  • Noise and responsible pet ownership are common concerns.

Note that the survey results reflect the views and values of the 242 people that participated in the community engagement.

The survey feedback identified that there is stronger support for a fenced dog exercise area to be located in Scribbly Gum Park.

Next Steps

Based on the outcome of additional site investigations as well as the survey findings, we will start the design for a dog exercise area at Scribbly Gum Park.

Community feedback on the ideal characteristics of a dog exercise area will be incorporated into the design.

The design will incorporate fencing, gates, access pathways and shade tree plantings with an open area for dogs to run and play.

The design will also ensure that the distance between the dog exercise area and adjoining residents is maximised wherever possible.

You will be able to see the plans before we start construction which is scheduled to start next year (subject to budget availability).

Residents who have indicated they would like to remain involved in the development of the project will be updated via email and on Council’s Have Your Say website.

Overview of DEAs

Dog exercise areas (DEAs) are activity spaces provided to promote social and physical health for dogs and their owners. DEAs may be fenced or unfenced and can include the following, depending on the site:

  • 1.2 metre high, black chain wire fence with two self-closing access gates (if fenced)
  • catering for dogs of various sizes
  • park shelter and shaded seating
  • water tap with dog bowl
  • concrete access paths
  • dog bag dispensers and rubbish bin/signage
  • shade tree planting

Please see PDF for a DEA design example.

Additional off-street parking is not being considered; facility users will need to park on-street or be within walking distance of the DEA.

Existing nearby DEAs

There are seven DEAs within a 10-minute drive of Pelican Waters:


  • Timeline item 1 - complete

    Phase 1 Community Engagement: May 2023

  • Timeline item 2 - complete

    Assess Community Feedback: Jun - Jul 2023

  • Timeline item 3 - complete

    Community Engagement Update: Dec 2023

  • Timeline item 4 - complete

    Phase 2 Community Engagement: Aug - Sep 2024

  • Timeline item 5 - complete

    Assess Community Feedback: Sep 2024

  • Timeline item 6 - complete

    Community Engagement Update: Dec 2024

  • Timeline item 7 - active

    Commence Designs and Plans: Jan - Mar 2025

Contact Us

For more information, please contact council’s Council’s project team via the details below. Please quote P-K1713 Pelican Waters, Dog Exercise Area

Name Landscape Architecture Services
Phone 0754757272
In writing

Locked Bag 72
Sunshine Coast Mail Centre QLD 4560