
Project Overview

Sunshine Coast Council is preparing a Concept Plan for Maleny District Park and is seeking community input to help shape the plan.

We are seeking input from the community on their vision for a new district park for Maleny. Ideas and feedback from our community will help shape the development of a concept plan for the park. This will form the blueprint for the development of the park in the coming years.

We are seeking your input to understand:

  • How you would like to use the park
  • How you would get to the park
  • What you would like to see included in the park
  • What are your priorities for the development of the park; and
  • What is the look and feel you want for the park.

District Parks

With their larger size, district parks can cater to a wider range of community needs. They provide opportunities for residents and visitors to connect with nature and each other.

District parks play a key role in rural areas by providing gathering and activity spaces. They can support economic activities such as markets and events and provide a place for travellers to rest and relax while experiencing the local environment.

Properly integrated with the existing town centres and primary streetscapes, these parks support local businesses by encouraging visitors to explore the township.

For more information on the Sunshine Coast's open space areas, park types and hierarchy please visit Council’s website.


Community Engagement

Council invites you to have your say between Monday, 15 July and 5pm Monday, 12 August 2024. To have your say:

  • Complete the Maleny District Park Community Survey (Activity 1).
  • Complete the Maleny District Park Fund-It Activity (Activity 2)
  • Get creative and draw your ideas on the Maleny District Park Activity Sheet and show us what your ideal park would look like (Activity 3); or
  • Attend the 'Meet in the Street' Drop-In Session.

Your valuable input will guide the design of the concept plan and help set the priorities for development of the Maleny District Park.

Maleny 'Meet in the Street' Drop-In Session

Come along and chat to a member of the project team about the Maleny District Park project.

Saturday, 27 July 2024 (9am-1pm)

Outside Queensland Country Bank, 28 Maple Street

Next Steps

Your feedback will help Council to prepare a draft concept plan for Maleny District Park. Once complete, we will invite the community to provide feedback on the draft plan.

If you would like to remain updated on the development of the concept plan, please follow the project (Select +Follow at the top of the page).


In 2010, the Maleny Community Precinct Master Plan was created. The master plan has guided the development of the former farmland since it was adopted in 2011.

Over the years, changes to the plan sought by the community, and approved via Council resolutions, have amended the layout of the precinct to what you see today.


  • Timeline item 1 - active

    Phase 1 - 15 July to 12 August 2024

    Community engagement to determine community values and vision for the park.

  • Timeline item 2 - incomplete

    Phase 2 - August to October 2024 (TBC)

    Development of the draft concept plan.

  • Timeline item 3 - incomplete

    Phase 3 - November to December 2024 (TBC)

    Community engagement. Have we got it right? Community to provide feedback on the draft concept plan.

  • Timeline item 4 - incomplete

    Phase 4 - February 2025 (TBC)

    Presenting the plan. We will share the final concept plan with the community on Have your Say Sunshine Coast and on Council’s website.

Contact us

To contact Council’s project team please email: LandscapeDesignandPlanning@sunshinecoast.qld.gov.au

Or phone Council’s customer service on (07) 5475 7272

Have your say

Maleny District Park Fund-It Activity (Activity 2)

Complete this quick and fun activity and tell us what park elements you would fund.

Please Note: All images shown have been selected as an indicative representation of the proposed elements possible in a district level park.

Maleny District Park Activity Sheet (Activity 3)

Great creative. Download the Maleny District Park Activity Sheet and draw your ideas. Show us what your ideal park would look like.