
Expressions of interest have now closed, to establish two community reference groups for Mooloolaba, as the revitalisation of the foreshore reaches a vital stage.

Sunshine Coast Council encouraged community and business members to submit an expressions of interest for the below groups, between January 23 and February 13, 2024.

  • Mooloolaba Stakeholder Interest Group
  • Mooloolaba Business Activation Group

The two groups will have four areas of interest being:

  • Foreshore and Esplanade
  • The Mooloolaba Heart
  • The Wharf
  • Southern Gateway

Since the adoption of the endorsed Placemaking Mooloolaba Master Plan in December 2015, Council has completed the ParknGo Mooloolaba Central multi-deck car park (Mooloolaba Heart), Stage One of the Mooloolaba Foreshore Revitalisation Project ‘Northern Parklands’ (Foreshore and Esplanade) and three of the four stages of the Mooloolaba Transport Corridor Upgrade/Brisbane Road Upgrade Project (part of the Southern Gateway arrival).

Council is soon to start Stage Two of the Mooloolaba Foreshore’s Revitalisation, which incorporates a new beachfront park, new community amenities, better accessibility and the replacement of an existing seawall. Construction for Stage Two is anticipated to start in mid-2024 once Council has appointed a contractor.

Throughout the planning for the Mooloolaba Foreshore Revitalisation Project, Council has undertaken extensive community engagement including meeting with key stakeholders including businesses groups, community members and local community and sporting groups.

As part of the project, two community reference groups have been formed. These groups will become a forum to share information, insights and ideas about the Placemaking Mooloolaba Master Plan and in particular, Stage Two of the Mooloolaba Foreshore Revitalisation Project, with Council.

Information received will enhance communication, relationships and information sharing for the future benefit of the Mooloolaba precinct.

Make sure you keep up-to-date on the Mooloolaba Foreshore Revitalisation Project as it progresses, by subscribing for emailed updates.

The primary objectives of the two community groups are to:

  • Share knowledge regarding Mooloolaba and the projects evolving from the endorsed Placemaking Mooloolaba Master Plan.
  • Encourage the development of productive relationships between all community groups and stakeholders.
  • Act as conduit to the broader community to share accurate information and generate further understanding about the project within the terms of the Community Reference Groups.

A panel, consisting of a third-party independent facilitator and senior representatives and officers from Sunshine Coast Council considered the applications for each group.

The panel was seeking:

  • members from a range of ages and backgrounds within the project area.
  • a diverse representation across demographics, cultures and interests to promote a diversity of voices.
  • for the ‘Mooloolaba Stakeholder Interest Group’ - a balance of interests from community focussed applicants, including local community/interest groups and residents interested in the topics of environment, beach, sporting and community facilities.
  • for the ‘Mooloolaba Business Activation Group’ - a balance of interests from business focussed applicants, including local business operators, accommodation providers, landowners, business groups, events and tourism parties.

A maximum of 10 members will be selected to participate in each group. Those who are not selected will be advised they are unsuccessful and will be able to be kept up-to-date on the project by subscribing to the emailed updates.

Council reserves the right to limit each group’s membership numbers based on achieving a balanced approach to community viewpoints and opinions.

  • Each community reference group will be facilitated by a third-party independent facilitator. This facilitator may be different for each community reference group.
  • Membership is voluntary and unpaid.
  • Members will be representative of the demographic and geographic makeup of the project area.
  • Council staff will provide support through the chairperson in managing the community reference groups.

Contact Us

Have questions or want to learn more about a project, contact us below:

Contact Information
Email mooloolabaforeshorerevitalisation@sunshinecoast.qld.gov.au