Council will be delivering streetscape improvements for Rosebed Street, Eudlo as part of its Streetscape Capital Works Program.
The project team have now responded to the community values and vision in Stage 1 ‘Have your say’ and feedback provided in Stage 2 ‘Have we got it right?’. Council received a total of 223 surveys during community engagement.
The information has helped the project team ensure the design creates a streetscape upgrade aligned with the community’s values and vision.
The purpose of this update is to inform the community of the final concept plan. As we progress towards construction a further project update will be provided. This will ensure the community is informed and to minimise impacts during the construction period in early 2022.
We are now progressing with detailed design and construction documentation. Further feedback is not required.
Thank you to all who have provided input through surveys, conversations, letters and emails.
In November 2020, Council engaged with the Eudlo community to understand what you love about Rosebed Street and what can be improved. As part of Stage 1 community engagement, a total of 117 surveys were completed.
In July 2021, Council engaged the community again to present a draft concept plan for feedback. A further 106 surveys were received and analysed to help inform the final concept plan. This plan was also presented at a community pop-up and sausage sizzle.
Community engagement
The stage 1 ‘Values and Visioning’ survey data has been analysed to form a community brief. This guided the project team to create a draft Concept Plan for further community feedback.
You told us the following three design themes were key:
- Create safer streets for pedestrians and motorists
- Create a shady, cool and green street
- Create an attractive and appealing walkable environment.
Stage 2 ‘Have we got it right?’ survey data analysis showed community support for the concept plan. The final concept design is in response to the three key design themes identified by the community.
Key elements of the concept:
- An upgrade to the school crossing on Rosebed Street and the road crossing on Corlis Avenue to create safer streets for pedestrians and motorists.
- Realignment of carparks in the centre of Rosebed Street to create three garden beds for large, leafy trees to create a shady, cool and green street.
- Placement of new gardens to create an attractive and appealing walkable environment.
- An upgrade to the amenities block in the park to be accessible with a pump out system.
Due to market conditions, material availability and cost, the full scope outlined is subject to funding availability.
Where to from here
Construction is scheduled to take place in the 2021/2022 financial year. Council will keep the community updated as the project progresses.
View the Eudlo Placemaking Concept Plan here.
Council seeks to design and deliver a streetscape upgrade for Rosebed Street. This is funded through the Streetscape Capital Works Program.
In the 2020/2021 financial year, Council committed $50,000 for planning and design work. Subject to future capital works budget approval, $200,000 will be funded in the 2021/2022 financial year for construction.
Placemaking is a process to engage and collaborate with communities. This ensures meaningful and vibrant places are created that reflect their values.
For more information, please contact council’s Placemaking and Design Office on (07) 5420 8046 or email link).