Next Steps

Stage 1 consultation is now closed

Thank you to everyone who shared their feedback and ideas as part of the first stage of community consultation. We received over 1600 responses to our online survey and almost 100 people participated in our Stronger Together Community Forum.

The summary reports for the first stage of the Stronger Together Community Engagement Program are now available:

All of the information we gathered through the first stage of the consultation will be used to develop the new action plan's priorities and actions. We will report back what we've heard through the consultation via this page and direct email to participants.

We anticipate that some of the current priorities and actions will stay the same as they are still important to our community, while others may change.

A second stage of comprehensive community engagement will be delivered in 2024 when council presents the draft action plan priorities and actions back to the community to review and provide feedback.

To receive updates about this project, please follow the project by pressing the +Follow button, which can be found in the banner on the top of the page.

Participants at the Stronger Together Forum, held on 16 May 2023.

Participants at the Stronger Together Forum, held on 16 May 2023.

Project Overview

In 2018 we asked you what you love about your community and what you want for its future. The results contributed to the Vision, outcomes and priorities of a Community Strategy 2019-2041 and Action Plan 2019-2024 for the Sunshine Coast.

The purpose of the Sunshine Coast Community Strategy is to achieve five outcomes:

  • Empower the community to live healthy and active lifestyles
  • Ensure community places and spaces are vibrant, inclusive, accessible, adaptable, and meet the needs of people of all ages, abilities, and backgrounds
  • Strengthen connection, inclusion, and opportunity for all people in the community
  • Build capacity within communities to be connected, resilient and to respond to local issues
  • Nurture creative and innovative approaches to building a strong community.

Learn more about how the Strategy and Action Plan were developed.

The Community Strategy and its implementation is underpinned by shared responsibility. A group of community representatives called the Community Strategy Leadership Group, is a key partner in it's delivery.

The Action Plan is now due for a review and refresh. Extensive community and stakeholder engagement will be undertaken throughout 2023 to develop a renewed set of actions for the next five years.

Learn more

Local Sunshine Coast Trends - Microtrends

Project background

Project background

Sunshine Coast Council’s corporate vision is to be Australia’s most sustainable region. Healthy. Smart. Creative. The Sunshine Coast Corporate Plan sets the pathways we will pursue on behalf of our communit to realise this vision. It is underpinned by five goals, including “Our Strong Community”. A strong community is a place where people consistently do a variety of simple things together that give them opportunities to connect with others, building trust and social connection. A strong community is one that keeps itself informed and feels empowered to respond to local issues together. This web of trusting relationships and local awareness fosters greater connection, collaboration, innovation and strengthens resilience.

The Sunshine Coast Community Strategy 2019-2041 is one of three regional strategies that contribute to a triple bottom line approach to sustainability, governance and community.

The Community Strategy provides a longer-term framework which reflects a shared responsibility for how council and our community will work together to advance our shared goal for a strong community through to 2041.

Between September 2018 and July 2019, an extensive program of engagement was undertaken by council to ensure that the Community Strategy is shaped by, and reflective of, the diverse voices of our region. Approximately 1600 community members and stakeholders contributed through this engagement, with their voices and ideas creating the Community Strategy’s shared vision for the future of the Sunshine Coast as well as influencing the outcomes, priorities and Action Plan. Community engagement will continue to be one of our key methods of implementing and delivering the Community Strategy.

Find out more about the engagement program by reviewing the Community Strategy past consultation.

Community Strategy 2019-2041 Overview Video

This video provides a snapshot of what the Community Strategy is about and how it has been developed.