People with disability are important members of our communities; our neighbourhoods; our workplaces and our households.

Sunshine Coast Council has prepared a Draft Inclusion Action Plan for People with Disability as a demonstration of our continuing commitment to improve inclusion for people with disability on the Sunshine Coast.


Consultation closed

Thank you to everyone who provided feedback for the Draft Inclusion Action Plan for People with Disability.

The Inclusion Action Plan - Engagement Summary Fact Sheet is now available.

Council will now consider the community feedback from broad engagement to refine the Action Plan.

The Final Action Plan will be presented to Council in November for adoption.

To receive updates about this project, please follow the project by pressing the +Follow button, which is located in the banner on the top of the page.

We thank you for taking the time to show interest in this project, and helping to create an inclusive Sunshine Coast for people with disability.

Download the Draft Inclusion Action Plan

Draft Inclusion Action Plan Overview video

About the plan

In the draft action plan council has identified four guiding principles and commitments:

  • Promoting and protecting human rights

  • Increasing disability awareness

  • Valuing lived experience

  • Improving access

In addition, the draft action plan sets out the following five priority areas:

To understand each of these areas and for an overview of the plan’s actions, watch the following videos.

Next steps

After the broad engagement period, council will consider the community feedback to refine the Action Plan.

A Final Action Plan will be presented to Council in November for adoption.

To recieve updates about this project, follow this page by clicking the ' + Follow ' button in the banner at the top of the page.


  • Timeline item 1 - complete

    Stage 1: Background research (August-October 2022)

    Review of legislation, literature and policy context

  • Timeline item 2 - complete

    Stage 2: First phase targeted consultation (November 2022 – May 2023)

    This included people with disability and carers, disability support workers, Action Plan Reference Group and internal council groups.

  • Timeline item 3 - complete

    Stage 3: Community engagement (26 June – 31 July 2023)

    Draft Plan available for review and community feedback.

  • Timeline item 4 - active

    Stage 4: Council adoption (November 2023)

    Final Plan presented to council for adoption.

Contact Us

Have questions or want to learn more about the project, please contact us below:

Name Community Development Team
Phone 0407 699 821
In writing

Att: IAP - Community Development

Locked Bag 72

Sunshine Coast Mail Centre

QLD 4560

Who's Listening

This is an colour photograph of Jane Goodwin,

Jane Goodwin

Community Development Officer



The Sunshine Coast Community Strategy 2019-2041 identifies six priority areas related to disability access and inclusion. These priorities are supported by eight actions within the current Community Strategy Action Plan.

The Draft Inclusion Action Plan for People with Disability will provide more direct, detailed and practical actions to help Council deliver and coordinate activities and initiatives over the next 5 years.

Lived experience

To prepare the Draft Inclusion Action Plan, Council wanted to make sure that we heard from people with lived experience of disability. To achieve this, we conducted targeted surveys in January 2023, which were completed by 97 individuals, including those with disabilities, caregivers, and people working in the disability sector.

A community reference group was also established to co-design the development of the draft action plan. This group consisted of 14 members of the community with lived experience of disability and included people of diverse ages and abilities. The purpose of the group was to provide advice to Council on the priority areas and actions the draft action plan should focus on.

A colour image of the members of the Reference Group at Venue 114.

Members of the Reference Group at Venue 114.

Other engagement

We also engaged with various advisory and stakeholder groups including:

  • Internal Council staff;
  • Council’s First Nations Partnerships Team;
  • Council’s Access and Inclusion Coordination Group including internal staff and members of the community with disability and representatives from the disability sector;
  • Council’s Diversity and Inclusion Advisory Group; and the
  • 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games Sunshine Coast Program Lead.

We also reviewed current disability policies at the local, state, national and international level and compared plans from different regions in Queensland, New South Wales and Victoria.

The Information Sheets offer additional details about the review of disability policies and provide a summary of the engagement findings.