A new planning scheme for the Sunshine Coast
Sunshine Coast Council is preparing a new planning scheme that will replace the current Sunshine Coast Planning Scheme 2014. Preparing a new planning scheme is a multi-year project with many stages.
As an initial step to ensure the new planning scheme reflects our community’s vision for the region, Council conducted an extensive preliminary consultation program in 2022. This was one of the largest and most successful community engagements ever undertaken on the Sunshine Coast. You can learn more about the feedback gathered during this consultation.
This feedback received from our community has helped to inform the preparation of the proposed planning scheme for the Sunshine Coast.
Another step complete: State interest review
In December 2023, Council submitted a draft version of the proposed planning scheme to the Queensland Government for a state interest review. This is a mandatory step when preparing a new planning scheme. During this step, the Queensland Government reviews the proposed planning scheme to ensure their interests are appropriately reflected before it is released for formal public consultation.
The Queensland Government recently informed Council that the state interest review of the proposed planning scheme had been completed, subject to some conditions. View the state interest review outcome and conditions.

* The plan making process is anticipated to take several years to complete (noting that the timing of certain steps in the process, such as state interest reviews are not within council's control).
What happens next?
Council will carefully review the conditions set out by the Queensland Government and their implications for the proposed planning scheme.
This process takes time to ensure that the conditions are thoroughly addressed, and the required changes are made to the proposed planning scheme.
Once this is complete, Council will be implementing a robust community consultation program encouraging feedback from all parts of our community.
Preparations for the consultation program are underway. The program will be designed to ensure that there is ample time and information for you to learn what the proposed planning scheme means for you and make a submission.
A future worth planning for
We understand our community is keen to get to know the details of the proposed planning scheme.
Council is committed to implementing a consultation program that supports and encourages involvement from all parts of our community. Community feedback is an important part of the plan-making process.
The proposed planning scheme may impact anyone living, visiting, owning a business, or owning property on the Sunshine Coast, both now and in the future. Therefore, we encourage everyone to get to know the detail of the proposed planning scheme once it is released and provide feedback.
In the meantime, we encourage you to sign up for project updates and be notified when consultation is open. This is a future worth planning for.
Learn more about the project
Understand what a planning scheme is and does, and how it may affect you – visit our New Sunshine Coast Planning Scheme Project page.